Stuart Rance writes many blogs and white papers that are published on a variety of sites, you can find a regularly updated list of all of these in Stuart Rance blogs

Blogs that appear below are published on the Optimal Service Management web site.

All blogs published on this site are licenced under CC BY-SA 4.0 

2015 04 17 IT heroes IMAGE



Unhappy is the land that needs a hero...

 Many IT organizations have heroes that save the day when they are in trouble, but is this really what they need?




Why do you need to carry out major problem reviews?

There was a discussion of “major problem reviews” on the Facebook back2ITSM group last week. Lots of questions were asked, and the Facebook format really didn't allow me to explain my viewpoint...

2014 12 28 2014 a year of consulting training writing and presenting IMAGE



2014 - a year of consulting, training, writing and presenting

2014 was the first full year that I’ve worked as an independent consultant, trainer and author, and it’s been a very busy year...




Stuart Rance blogs

Here's a list of all the blogs and white papers I've published since the end of 2013, so you can find articles that you might be looking for.

2014 11 07 Do you need an ITSM assessment 3



Do you need an ITSM assessment?

I was involved in a discussion about ITSM assessments on Twitter recently. It all started with a discussion about the value of an ITSM self-assessment, but I coudn't get my thoughts into 140 characters, so I decided to write this blog instead.

2014 10 07 Devops isnt only for startups IMAGE



DevOps isn’t only for startups

I’ve been hearing a lot about DevOps lately, but it always seems to be about Internet startups. Here are some thoughts on how the rest of us can get value from DevOps ideas.

2014 09 24 Do we really need all those cumbersome processes IMAGE2



Do you really need all those cumbersome processes?

When we think about IT service management (ITSM) processes, we usually think about how we can standardise everything we do, to ensure that we use our resources efficiently and that everyone does everything that is needed. Maybe there's a better way...

2014 08 29 Managing a continual improvement register IMAGE



Managing a continual service improvement register

In a previous blog I wrote about how to use an assessment to identify improvement opportunities and populate a CSI register. This month I look at other ways you can identify improvement opportunities, and how you should manage the CSI register...

2014 07 21 Most training is a waste of money IMAGE



Most training is a waste of money

Many organizations waste their training budget by sending people on the wrong courses, with the wrong motivation and follow up. Here are some things you should think about before you send your staff on a training course.



When did you last review your management system?

If you’re running IT services then you need a management system, and you need to constantly monitor and review everything you do so that your management system keeps improving. The alternative to continual improvement is stagnation, or worse. If your competitors keep improving and you stand still then you will rapidly find yourself falling behind.

Optimal Service Management Ltd.

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Essex, IG8 9AN, UK

Registered No: 8791379 England

Phone: + 44 791 3344 143

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