Stuart Rance writes many blogs and white papers that are published on a variety of sites, you can find a regularly updated list of all of these in Stuart Rance blogs

Blogs that appear below are published on the Optimal Service Management web site.

All blogs published on this site are licenced under CC BY-SA 4.0 

2017 03 16 What configuration data do you need IMAGE



3 ways to approach configuration management

There are three very different approaches you can take to configuration management.  Each of them has benefits and disadvantages, and you need to blend aspects of all three to get the best value in your context.

2017 03 16 What configuration data do you need IMAGE



What configuration data do you need

Configuration management can be very expensive and time consuming, and if you get it wrong it can deliver very little value. So make sure you really understand what your stakeholders need...

Optimal Service Management Ltd.

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Essex, IG8 9AN, UK

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Phone: + 44 791 3344 143

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