Are you coming to SITS14?
I will be going to the Service Desk and IT Support Show in London on Tuesday 29th April and Wednesday 30th April, and I’d like to encourage my customers, colleagues and readers to join me there.
There are many really good reasons why you should attend SITS14, here are just a few of them:
- Lots of vendors will be there to talk to you and demo their ITSM products. Even if you’re not looking for a new service desk tool right now it’s good to see what people are offering because it might give you some new ideas of how to configure or use your existing tools
- Great keynote presentations, including Jeff Brooks (Gartner), Noel Bruton, and two panel debates
- A packed programme of seminars in three theatres. There are far too many for me to list here, but some of my favourite presenters will be there, including:
- Patrick Bolger Chief Evangelist at Hornbill, “Reimagining the role of IT”
- Barclay Rae, Independent ITSM consultant, “Respect the service desk” and “The ‘CSI triangle which unlocks service quality”
- Kaimar Karu, Head of ITSM at Axelos, “Is ITIL ready for the DevOps approach”
- Sarah Lahav, CEO of SysAid Technologies “Is your IT support passing the BYOD challenge?”
- Two breakfast briefings for the early birds
- Twelve “Hot topic roundtables” each day, where you can discuss issues and share ideas
Those are just the things on the formal programme. There is also a huge amount of value to be gained from the informal networking opportunities. As you walk around the show floor you can stop and talk to a wide range of people, and since everyone is there to learn and share ideas about ITSM the chances are you’ll find like-minded people to chat to. The ITSM Review will be running a social event on 30th April, for those who want to meet up for a meal and a drink after the show.
If you want to talk to me then you can come to my Hot Topic discussion “Emerging methods: Agile, Devops” at 13:15 on Wednesday 30th in Hot Topic Zone 3 or attend the panel debate “ITIL the final showdown” in Seminar Theatre 1 at 14:00 on Wednesday 30th, or just find me wandering around the show floor and stop me for a chat.
Oh, and you don’t have to pay a single penny to attend, if you can get to London then you can come to the show, so long as you register in advance (otherwise it's £20 on the door).
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